

I don’t know whose flannel shirt this is

It’s in the backseat of the car I am borrowing

But I have a sudden urge that I need to cry

I’m gonna park my borrowed car by the riverside

I put the flannel to my face

I turn the car off to save gas

I where the flannel as a blanket

I don’t care who is walking by, it’s an extra-large

I don’t know what kinda joke this is

We’re only two minutes away from apocalypse and

Even though I already knew we’d die

I guess I thought it might be different this time

I put the flannel to my face

I meditate to the countdown

I where the flannel as a blanket

I don’t care who is walking by, it’s an extra large

The soil returned to its soft and loamy state

We used it all up to make room for our estate (x2)

Have you ever heard of mirage island?

Depending on the code and a bit of luck

And coding brought the flannel to right be hind me

And I thought I was down on luck but it came to bite me

I put the flannel to my face

I exit out and forget to save

I hold the flannel like my lover

I don’t care who is walking by